In a wrongful death claim, credibility matters most. Since the evidence will be largely based on testimonies, you must be able to prove that the liable party committed negligence. As the one who files the case, the burden of proof will depend on you and your family. Thus, it is important to know these things...
Caught-in-between, also known as caught-in and caught-between accidents, are among OSHA’s fatal four. Its dangers bring serious to deadly injuries to construction workers. Caught-in-between accidents often occur from unguarded machinery and excavations. (Editor’s note: This caught-in-between article is the fourth part of the construction accident series. The blog aims to explain OSHA’s “fatal four”. Click...
Electrocution is one of the usual causes of deadly injuries on construction sites. Known as a part of OSHA’s fatal four, it continues to bring danger to construction workers. Electrical hazards still remain a top workplace concern for people in this industry. (Editor’s note: This article is the third part of the construction accident...
Construction fall accidents are the result of negligence on job sites. Workers perform tasks at towering elevations amid safety violations. With large companies behind construction sites, proving negligence can be difficult. A lawyer experienced in handling construction fall accidents is what you need to seek justice and compensation. Construction Fall Accidents Can Be Prevented The...
Wrongful death is a result of human error or a faulty act of another person. Negligence has killed hundreds of lives, from workplace injuries to road accidents. Dozens of wrongful death cases in Arizona stem from preventable accidents. What qualifies as wrongful death? Negligent actions that fatally harm someone result in wrongful death. It could...
The legal process of pursuing a claim for wrongful death within the state of Arizona involves multiple stages. A wrongful death is a claim against an individual who can be held liable for another individual’s death. The claim is initiated in a civil action, usually by close remaining family members, as enumerated by statute. Our experienced...
A wrongful death claim is filed when a person dies because of the actions of another and the deceased’s estate brings a lawsuit against the person who acted negligently. The purpose of a wrongful death suit is to allow the deceased’s loved ones to take legal action and receive compensation for the person’s death. If...