There are a few good ways to judge what a person’s really like. One of these is to look at how they treat older people. There is simply no excuse for elder law. Whether it’s taking place in a nursing home or at an adult daycare center, it’s not to be tolerated. That’s why an Arizona elder abuse lawyer, like Nathaniel B. Preston, is here to protect your loved ones when they get older.
One place we see the most instances of elder abuse is in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. In fact, this is one of the reasons a lot of people are afraid to put their elderly parents in a nursing home. They’re afraid they won’t be treated right.
As our loved ones get older, it becomes harder for us to take care of them. It could be that they have a medical condition that we’re not equipped to handle. Or they may be suffering from dementia. When these conditions progress beyond a certain point, it becomes impossible for us to care for them ourselves.
When it gets to this point, we have to make a decision. Are we able to take care of our parents or is it time to put them in a nursing home? Sadly, the decision is often made for us. When our elderly parents suffer a fall or heart attack, the hospital may recommend that it’s time to make a change. In order to ensure that they have the care they need, we have to move our loved ones into a nursing home.
But what happens when our loved ones aren’t treated right in the nursing home? That’s when you need to contact Nathaniel B. Preston at Warnock MacKinlay Law. Call today at (602)600-6427 to speak with an experienced attorney about your case, risk-free.
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What are the Common Types of Elder Abuse?
A lot of people think that elder abuse is limited to physical abuse. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most victims of elder abuse won’t have a single bruise or mark on them. This is because most forms of elder abuse aren’t physical.
Some of the most common types of elder abuse involve no actual physical abuse. Some of the types of behavior Arizona elder abuse lawyers handle include:
Emotional Abuse and Neglect
Imagine you’re 85 years old, living in a nursing home with nothing but a stranger to keep you company. Your family doesn’t come to visit anymore. The nurses and doctors treat you like you’re a nuisance. And, on top of that, they treat you very poorly. When nursing home staff ignore or chastise their patients, it’s emotional abuse. Yelling or talking down to the elderly constitutes emotional abuse.

Financial abuse
A lot of people don’t realize how often financial abuse happens to the elderly. Some nursing home staff members steal money or property from their patients. They may steal their physical belongings. More often, however, they manipulate the patients so they can steal money from them. This could include borrowing cash from them, knowing their patient won’t remember loaning them the money. Or, it can be even more egregious. Some nursing aides or nurses convince their patients to give them access to their debit cards or checking accounts. This constitutes elder abuse.
Sexual Abuse
It’s hard to even imagine this happening. Yet it happens in nursing homes and assisted living facilities quite often. The sexual abuse isn’t always physical. A patient may be subjected to watch employees engage in sexual activities. Or, the sexual abuse may come at the hands of a roommate or other resident. It’s the nursing home’s job to make sure their patients aren’t treated this way.
An Arizona elder abuse lawyer can help you get justice for your loved one. If your mom or dad has been the victim of abuse or neglect, you need to call and speak with an elder abuse attorney in Arizona right away.
How Can You Spot Elder Abuse?
Unfortunately, most people don’t realize the abuse is going on until it’s too late. We hate to think of our parents as suffering, but we may not know what to look for. When it comes to elder abuse and nursing home abuse in particular, there are certain signs.
Here are a few things you can look out for when you visit your loved one:
Are they withdrawn and quieter than normal?
Some older people totally withdraw when they’re being treated unkindly. They already hate to be a bother. Odds are, they won’t tell you anything’s going on. If you notice they’re quieter than usual, talk to them. Ask them questions. See if there’s anything going on that you need to worry about.
Keep an eye on their bank accounts and belongings
Most older people no longer have the ability to balance a checkbook. This is one of the reasons they enter a nursing home in the first place. It’s important that you keep an eye on their finances. Make sure there aren’t any unusual withdrawals or expenses. Also, make sure you keep any of their valuables in a safe place. Don’t leave any expensive jewelry or art in their nursing home room. These things are liable to be stolen.
How does your loved one look?
Whether your loved one is being abused physically, emotionally or sexually, they may start to look different. Are they losing weight? Do they no longer smile? Do you notice bruises or bedsores? These are the kinds of things you want to keep an eye out for. If you notice any of these things, call an Arizona elder abuse lawyer right away.
Contact an Arizona Elder Abuse Lawyer Right Away
If you suspect your loved one is being abused, you need to contact an Arizona elder abuse lawyer immediately. It’s better that you worry too much than too little. Contact an experienced elder abuse lawyer like Nathaniel B. Preston at Warnock MacKinlay Law knows what to look for. He also knows what it takes to get your loved one the compensation they deserve.
Call (602) 600-6427 today and schedule your free initial consultation. You can ask any questions you may have and get an idea of what to do next. The consultation is free and you pay nothing until you settle your case.