The phenomenon of electronic or e-cigarettes has taken the world by storm. These devices allow smokers to engage in their smoking habit without filling the air with second-hand smoke. Many businesses allow the use of e-cigarettes in their establishments. However, because e-cigarettes are largely unregulated and their overall safety has not yet been determined, it is possible that they are more dangerous than initially thought.
That is certainly the case when 29-year-old Cordero Caples had to be hospitalized after his e-cigarette device exploded in his face!
Caples, who is currently living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is currently listed in critical condition with a shattered vertebra. Caples recently required surgery lasting several hours in order to give himself a chance to walk again. In addition to his fractured vertebrae, he has multiple fractures, broken and knocked out teeth, a hole in his mouth, and a broken neck.
The accused maker of the e-cigarette that caused Caples’ serious injuries is based in China.
In this country, consumers want to believe that all products that are available for sale on the market are generally considered safe. Most people don’t think about the issue of product safety when they buy and use a product such as an e-cigarette. The assurance of safety is simply assumed.
However, in the blink of an eye, an untested and unsafe product can cause a serious accident. It may take many years to determine what caused a product to fail or even how it happened. Such accidents can be devastating for victims and their families and the expenses incurred in trying to recover can be staggering.
If you or a loved one has been hurt in an incident involving an unsafe product or in an accident of any kind, you and your family deserve to be compensated for your loss, pain and suffering.
Call the law offices of Warnock MacKinlay Law today to schedule a free consultation regarding your personal injury accident. Nate will be there to help you to navigate through the legal and other matters that come up after. We understand just how difficult it can be and Nate wants to be there to help you.
Call today to schedule a free consultation and legal analysis today.