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How Do Construction Site Injuries Happen in Phoenix?

Construction site workers have dangerous jobs. While anyone can be hurt while working, construction workers have a much higher incident rate. Other than highway crashes, the main cause of deaths in the construction industry private sector workers is falling accidents. Other leading causes of construction deaths were being struck by an object, being caught in or caught in between objects or machinery, and electrocution. These four causes were responsible for 64.2% of construction worker deaths resulting from on the job accidents during 2015.

More than 1,000 construction site workers are killed while working every year. And, tens of thousands more are injured while working on the site of a job. When a construction worker reports to a construction site, he or she has the assumption that all safety measures and precautions have been properly put in place on the site by the Phoenix construction employer. While you might be under the assumption that your fellow construction crew has undergone proper training and that all tools and equipment are working properly, that might not be the case.

Simple accidents at construction sites cause many injuries, but there are several other accidents that could have been avoided. These accidents result from carelessness or the negligence of a fellow employee. Unfortunately, safety regulations are too often ignored. Dangerous equipment does not undergo routine maintenance and is not repaired in a timely manner. Dangerous areas should be marked, and all employees should undergo extensive training to ensure safety on the work site.

Here are some shocking statistics about construction worker injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that one out of every ten construction workers suffers injuries while on the site of a job. According to OSHA, fall hazards are the leading cause of construction worker injuries. The Burea of Labor Statistics said there are about 150,000 injuries at construction sites every year. While falls do make up most accidents, another significant cause of injuries is coming into contact with equipment on site.

Construction workers between ages 25 and 34 are most likely to be injured at the work site. The majority of injuries suffered by construction workers involve the spines, trunks, or backs. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reported that 1,224 construction site workers were killed on the job during a one-year period, which made construction the most dangerous industry in the United States. According to the reports, 15% of workers’ compensation costs across the country.

What Should I Do If Injured at a Construction Site Accident in Phoenix?

If you are injured while working construction in Phoenix, you should do everything you can to protect your rights and preserve the evidence that supports your case. If your injuries are serious, you should call for an ambulance. Make sure your supervisor or human resources department is notified of your injuries as quickly as possible so an accident report can be completed. The report will be needed in the future. While an on-the-job injury is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, there are some rare situations where a construction worker might be able to seek damages through a personal injury claim.

As an example, if the injuries were caused by faulty equipment or a third-party such as a subcontractor or a vendor you might be able to seek legal action against the liable party. To learn more about recovering damages for your injuries suffered in a construction site accident, consult with an experienced Phoenix personal injury attorney. Warnock MacKinlay Law is experienced and has a proven track record in helping injured Phoenix construction workers recover compensation for the damages that they suffered. Construction injuries can be life-altering, so you need to make sure you do everything you can to protect your rights and recover the compensation you need.

Common Causes of Construction Site Accidents in Phoenix

As previously mentioned, there are several causes of construction accidents. Here are a few of the leading causes of construction worker injuries:

  • Falls

    Phoenix Arizona Workers Compensation Lawyer
    If you have had a construction site accident, it is time to call Warnock MacKinlay Law for a consultation.
  • Crane accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Welding rod accidents
  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Hazardous waste spills
  • Defective or malfunctioning equipment
  • Hearing damage caused by noise
  • Entrapment
  • Being caught in between work spaces or equipment

Many of these work-related injuries could have been avoided with the proper training and by following the right safety protocol. Unfortunately, studies have shown that many construction site injuries are caused by negligence. As your Phoenix construction accident lawyer, Warnock MacKinlay Law will investigate your construction site accident and fight to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for construction site accidents and injuries. We understand that construction workers are facing a higher risk level every time they report for work and we are well aware that the dangers you face day after day are very real.

Can I File a Lawsuit for a Phoenix Construction Site Accident?

There are two different bodies of law that could be applicable to a construction site accident in Phoenix, Arizona. The first involves the laws of workers’ compensation. In Phoenix, Arizona, someone who is hurt on the job is entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation includes medical benefits to rehabilitate the injured worker, plus funds to cover a portion of the lost wages, possible vocational training if necessary, and long-term needs if the employee is unable to return to construction work.

Workers’ compensation laws govern many construction site accidents, but there can be circumstances that allow challenges to result. Workers’ compensation claims might be denied, and pre-existing conditions can be alleged. In these situations, the injured employee can be denied the help he or she needs and deserves until legal help gets the case settled. When facing this situation, an experienced Phoenix workers’ compensation attorney is required to help you get the benefits that you deserve. There are other extenuating situations where a Phoenix personal injury lawyer might be necessary to assist you in getting the compensation you need after an accident.

Third-party liability issues can be the cause of a workplace injury. Because not all construction site injuries and accidents are caused by the employer or the co-workers during the normal work day, there are situations where a third-party could cause injuries and accidents. In these situations, there is a potential for liability that can lead to a personal injury claim. An example of third-party liability would be when a trucking company delivers a load of materials to a construction site, and the driver negligently dumps a load of supplies in a location that leads to the injury of a worker.

While injured workers usually are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, a worker can sue an employer for personal injury damages if the work site was not properly kept and become unreasonably dangerous. While any construction site is dangerous, negligence can result from a lack of providing equipment that is safe, lack of supervision, and other dangerous situations that the employer could have prevented.

Schedule a Consultation with a Construction Accident Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

If you or a loved one has been in a construction site accident in Phoenix, call attorney Nathaniel B. Preston at Warnock MacKinlay Law today at (602) 600-6427. An experienced Phoenix accident injury attorney, Nate has a proven track record of helping injured workers get the compensation they deserve. There is no fee unless we win and we offer a free case review. Call us to schedule a free consultation and get the help you need now!

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