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I Suffered from Third-Degree Burns. How Do I Get the Settlement I Deserve?

People working in certain professions in Phoenix, Arizona are at a greater risk of burn injuries as compared to other professions. Burn injuries can be mild if the resultant burns are first-degree, but in some cases, people can suffer from or go on to develop third-degree burns. If you have been in a personal injury accident and suffered burns, you should consult a burn injury attorney in Phoenix, Arizona.

What is a Third-Degree Burn?

Third-degree burns are quite serious. They usually cause extensive damage to the deeper layers of the skin. In fact, the burns can be so deep that pain nerves are destroyed, and the burn victim would feel no pain, but just numbness. If you are a victim of a personal injury accident and have suffered third-degree burns, you can determine the level of damage by observing the following factors:

  • Whitish color skin
  • Waxy skin
  • Charring
  • Burnt hair
  • Visible deeper skin layers which will be darkish brown or gray in color
  • Extensive swelling in the underlying tissues
  • No blisters

Compared to a first or second-degree burn, a third-degree burn is also associated with a high risk of complications like shock, massive blood loss, kidney failure, infections and even amputation of the digits or the extremities.

If a significant portion of the body is involved with a third-degree burn, the patient may suffer from hypothermia because their body is no longer able to regulate the body temperature since the skin is no longer intact. Speak to a burn injury attorney if you have suffered third-degree burns that were caused by the negligence of another person. An attorney can help you seek the compensation you deserve for your treatment.

A third-degree burn is very serious, and all patients require admission to a hospital and need to be treated by a burn specialist. Unlike a second degree burn, the time to recover cannot be predicted. Most people take months or even many years to recover, and even then the recovery is partial. Besides the loss of function, a third-degree burn is associated with significant changes in aesthetics. One can develop scars, skin diseases, and other infections. Being in a personal injury accident that involves burn injuries can thus be quite traumatic. It can also result in a significant financial loss. The law allows the victims to be compensated for such loss. A burn injury attorney in Phoenix, AZ can provide you detailed information in this regard.

Personal Injury Accidents and Third-Degree Burns in Phoenix, AZ

Personal Injury Lawyer for Third-Degree Burns in Phoenix, Arizona
Seek a settlement for your third-degree-burns with help from a personal injury lawyer at Warnock MacKinlay Law.

Third-degree burns are far more serious than a second-degree burn and the compensation is also a lot higher. Many patients with third-degree burns require long-term rehabilitation. Victims can file a compensation claim but keep in mind that insurance companies can sometimes make it difficult for you to get the compensation you deserve. That is why it is important that you talk to a burn injury attorney so that you can get the right third-degree burn settlement.

It is rare for a person with third-degree burns to return to work right away, and hence, loss of wages is a common issue. Medical bills can be quite high because of hospitalization, physical therapy, rehabilitation, prescription medicine and continued care and treatment. Some individuals may have to wear special compression garments for years to prevent scar formation. These garments are costly and have to be custom made.

Talk to a burn injury attorney in Phoenix, AZ so that they can help you gain some financial stability after your personal injury accident and also help you understand how your final settlement will be determined. Provide all the relevant information about your personal injury accident to your burn injury attorney so that they can help you determine your financial loss and possible compensation amounts.

This will involve an evaluation of all your recent medical costs, any expected future treatment costs, rehabilitation costs, counseling costs, prescription costs, loss of wages, pain, suffering, disfigurement, stress, depression and other such factors.

If you have had a personal injury accident and suffered third-degree burns, you must contact a burn injury attorney. Always remember that you should never settle right away, as the amount of compensation that is initially offered will certainly be far less than what you actually deserve. A burn injury attorney knows how the system works and they will know what evidence is required to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Consult with an Experienced Burn Injury Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

Warnock MacKinlay Law specializes in personal accident injury cases. Our burn injury attorneys are here to help you recover the damages that you have incurred because of third-degree burns. It is our goal to provide you the best possible settlement. Our lawyers understand that a personal injury accident can be extremely difficult to handle. The pain associated with third-degree burns can be excruciating. Call us today to book an appointment so that our lawyers can help you recover your losses.

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